Twilight Samurai Herbu Zadora

wł. Sebastien Benoit, Francja
m.Yunta Yara Herbu Zadora
o.Champion HySpire Shalih Hotter'n Blazes
CH. HySpire Shalih Hotter'n Blazes CH Sure Shot HySpire Impressive

Ch. Windfall's Pipe Major

HySpire Darktown Strutter
Windfall's Black Piper
Ch Janrod's Tammy Whynot Raintree Slippery When Wet JH
Janneka Way's Sunny Side Up
CH HySpire Pipin'Hot Ch. Windfall's Pipe Major HySpire Darktown Strutter
Windfall's Black Piper
HySpire Something's Amiss Ch. Dickendall Arnold
Hygate's Something Wicked
Yunta Yara Herbu Zadora Nimloth LOGAN AT HERBU ZADORA Ch. Dickendall Davaro Gable Ch. Dickendall Arnold
Wolvercote Gaity Girl
Bluffdale the Black Queen Nimloth Amos of Goose Creek
Bluffdale Maggie O’Toole
Zebu Zadziora Herbu Zadora Dickendall Davaron Anslo JH Ch. Dickendall Arnold
Waterbound River Witch
CH Fanta Psie Lobby Blondella Blue Peter
Tunita Herbu Zadora